Universal Prayers liturgy Jan 10 Written By Maxim Farrell Part of my job at St. Mary Magdalen Parish (Everett)/St. John Mission (Mukilteo) is writing the Prayers of the Faithful used in liturgies for Sundays and Solemnities. I’m sharing my work on these for others who may want to use them or might find them resourceful. Check them out by clicking here!. Maxim Farrell http://maximfarrell.com/
Universal Prayers liturgy Jan 10 Written By Maxim Farrell Part of my job at St. Mary Magdalen Parish (Everett)/St. John Mission (Mukilteo) is writing the Prayers of the Faithful used in liturgies for Sundays and Solemnities. I’m sharing my work on these for others who may want to use them or might find them resourceful. Check them out by clicking here!. Maxim Farrell http://maximfarrell.com/