"Nothing in this world lasts."



Following the devastating fire at Paris' Cathedral of Our Lady (Notre Dame), the Diocese of Grand Rapids' very own bishop offered some very wise words:

“It’s a good reminder to us, that we don’t put our faith in created things. Our faith is something that is indestructible... It is [also] a sobering reminder, that nothing in this world lasts."

Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak, April 16, 2019

This, of course, is a story familiar to the Diocese, as our Cathedral of Saint Andrew also suffered great destruction from a fire, just over a century ago.

But more to the point is Bishop's last comment in the quote above: Nothing in this world lasts.  How true this is!  Thanks be to God, our Redeemer promises us a new life, in a new world to come.  I find such hope in this act of His goodness and mercy.

This past weekend, a student of the Religious Education class that I have been co-teaching throughout this past school year with a few of my brother seminarians from St. John Vianney passed away unexpectedly.  She was a kind, bright girl in high school, named Shirley.  If you could please keep her, her family and friends, our classes, and the parish as a whole in your prayers (especially during this upcoming celebration of the Sacred Paschal Triduum), I would be immensely grateful.

Blessed Mary, Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of France, and Mother of Reconciliation: pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death!


Fall 2019


Hope, Life, and Affirmation